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This disease is the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

The cause of Alzheimer's disease is porphyromonas gingivalis, the main bacteria of chronic gingivitis.

Bacteria that cause gum inflammation and other diseases have been found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients after their death.The cause of Alzheimer's disease is porphyromonas gingivalis, the main bacteria of chronic gingivitis. This is what was discovered in new research by Cortexyme. The toxic enzymes used by P. gingivalis to feed themselves on human tissues, called Gingivains, were found in 96% of Alzheimer's brains.
The same bacteria were found in three Alzheimer's brains from those that tested their DNA.
Several research teams tested P. gingivalis, found to invade Alzheimer's brain areas and cause infections. Gingivitis can increase the severity of Alzheimer's disease and cause Alzheimer's-like effects such as inflammation of the brain, neurological damage, and accumulation of Amyloid plates.
Casey Lynch, of Cortexyme, a pharmaceutical company in San Francisco, Calif., Says: "When scientific opinions from several laboratories agree in this way, they impose themselves strongly."
The bacteria and their enzymes were found at higher levels in those who suffered a severe decline in perception. The research team also found bacteria in spinal cord fluid in Alzheimer's.
When the team injected P. gingivalis in the mice, this led to inflammation of the brain, production of amyloid, tau-protein interlinkage, and neurological damage in the regions and nerves that usually have Alzheimer's disease.

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